For Renata

For Renata

Howdy Y'all!

Sorry I'm a little late with our donation update for this month but burnout is REAL! The holidays aren't technically here yet but I'm definitely feeling the pressure and stress to get things prepared and ready. BUT, I have some really awesome deals and surprises that I'm working on for you guys for the holiday season and look forward to getting the holiday festivities rolling! Stay tuned!

Thank you to all who bought from my shop in August! A portion of your purchase has been donated to a sweet senior pup named Renata. With your help, 10% of our profits were used to make a monetary donation to help pay for Renata's medical care and treatment. We also added a much needed item from Renata's Cuddly wishlist to our donation. Because of Renata's condition, I thought it would be helpful to add a healing vet wrap with our donation for her skin condition. Thank you for taking the time to shop my store and buy a little something unique and special from a small business. I am humbly grateful to each and every one of you. I'm sure Renata thanks you as well! ♡

About Renata "The Rio Grande Valley is one of the very worst places for animals throughout Texas. So many of the innocent babies in this area are abused, neglected, abandoned, and ultimately killed. Fortunately, we were lucky enough to catch this sweet 25lb girl before that also became her fate. - We know her road to recovery won’t be easy with everything she’s gone through, but we believe in this fighter!" - Saving Hope Animal Rescue (via 

Our donation was a monetary and wishlist item donation put towards helping Renata with any treatment and care. Get well soon, Sweet Renata!

If you would like to learn more about Renata's rescuers, please visit the links below. Also, as always, please feel free to donate to Renata's care directly! Tell them Emerald Sun Creations sent you. ;)

Donate to help Renata with Saving Hope Animal Rescue

Learn more about Saving Hope Animal Rescue

Thank you to all who have purchased from my shop! Together, we donated and hopefully change the lives of some beautiful animals. Thanks, my friends!


Wendy, Owner of Emerald Sun Creations

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