2023 Year In Review

2023 Year In Review

2023 Year in Review - See what our good intentions accomplished this year! Emerald Sun Creations | Natural gemstone jewelry with good intentions.

2023 Year in Review!

The year 2023 flew by, didn't it?! I can't help but feel incredibly grateful for the support me and my little shop received from our loyal customers. It's thanks to you that Emerald Sun Creations continues to thrive as a small business. Thank you! ♡

My First Interview Feature with OBWS | Emerald Sun CreationsAs I reflect on the past year, I'm filled with a sense of accomplishment and joy. One of the highlights of the year was my first ever interview feature with Official Black Wall Street. In the interview I talked about creating my jewelry business, the inspiration behind my jewelry designs, and so much more! If you haven't read it yet, definitely give it a read. I'm pretty proud of it! I also received some lovely feedback from my customers and had the opportunity to create stunning gemstone jewelry pieces that brought smiles to their faces. Your love for my creations fuels my passion and inspires me to try harder every year to make Emerald Sun Creations the business that I envision in my dreams.
I'm also proud to share that with the help of my amazing customers, I was again able to make a significant impact in the lives of animals. Through our donations we were able to help 14 animals this year! By donating 10% of our profits, we were able to provide vital resources, medical care, and the occasional toys and treats to these precious creatures. It's heartwarming to know that our collective efforts have made a difference and given these animals a chance at a better life. Although, I wasn't able to donate to any animal rescue organization directly this year, I feel like donating directly to animal cases make a bigger impact. Next year I'll definitely try to donate to more rescues and sanctuaries to help expand our reach. Together, we have not only adorned ourselves with beautiful jewelry but also made a meaningful impact on the lives of animals in need. I am immensely grateful for your partnership in this journey. 🙏

Looking ahead to 2024, I'm filled with intrigue and anticipation. I'm planning some exciting new additions that have been long requested to the shop and have some big plans to expand my collections, including adding some new gemstone combinations and highly requested jewelry pieces (even some non-jewelry items 😉). It's my mission to create jewelry that not only adds natural beauty to the world but also tells a story and carries a deeper meaning.

I also want to express my heartfelt appreciation for everyone's continued support. It's because of customers like you that I can pursue my passion. I'm reminded every year through the support that I received that I'm heading in the right direction with Emerald Sun Creations. As I step into the new year, I'm committed to keeping it going and making it bigger and better.

Thank you for continuing to be a part of my journey. Here's to a remarkable 2024 filled with sparkling gemstones, cherished moments, and endless possibilities!

P.S. Check out our BLOG for more details about all the animal rescues that we donated to in 2023. Also, check out our 2022 Year in Review!
Thank you to all who purchased from my shop! 

Here's to bigger and brighter adventures in 2024!
Happy New Year, Everyone!
Wendy Owner of Emerald Sun Creations
♡ ♡ ♡

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