Emerald Sun Creations - February Donations

Emerald Sun Creations - February Donations

In February we were definitely feeling the love! For the month of February we chose two charities to donate our Emerald Sun Creations proceeds to. 10% of our profits were donated to the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust and the Soi Dog Foundation. I closely follow these two animal rescue organizations on social media and found it really hard to decide on just one to donate to for the month of February.

The Sheldrick Wildlife Trust is a wonderful organization that works as an orphan elephant rescue and wildlife rehabilitation program in Kenya. I love watching them care for the elephants and other wildlife. The love and care that each and every animal receives is so inspirational. Visit Sheldrick Wildlife Trust

Another amazing and inspirational cause is the Soi Dog Foundation! This fantastic organization goes above and beyond to better the welfare of street dogs and cats across Asia. "Soi Dog spays/neuters and vaccinates tens of thousands of street dogs and cats...to prevent unwanted puppies and kittens being born into short lives of suffering, along with the rescue, vaccination, medical treatment, sheltering, and adoption." Visit Soi Dog Foundation 

Please feel free to donate to these organizations directly! Tell them Emerald Sun Creations sent you. ;)

Thank you to all who bought from my shop in the month of February! Together we donated to two great and worthy animal rescue organizations. Thanks my friends!

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