For Luma

For Luma

How's it going, Fam?

I hope everyone is having a fresh and positive start to the new year! We're continuing our mission of helping animals by donating 10% of your purchase to an animal in need. Thank you so much to everyone who purchased a little something from my shop recently. Because of you, we were able to help out a sweet German Shepherd named Luma. Keep reading to learn more about Luma.

Luma was found on the streets of Cairo, Egypt with server wounds and trauma to her body. Luma's rescuers are not sure what happened to her but it is evident that she experienced something very traumatic. To me, dogs in particular are such a gift to this world. It truly hurts my soul to see them mistreated and abused in such horrible ways by humans. But, I'm so happy that we can help her in a small way to support her long road to recovery, and to begin healing and hopefully trusting humans again. Luma, we love you sweet girl and hope you find a loving forever home soon! ♡

For Luma, we made a monetary donation to help with any treatment that she may need to feel better and to help lift Luma's spirit, we also purchased a fun pizza shaped plushie toy from Luma's Cuddly wishlist. Donations were made to the Animal Protection Foundation via To learn more about this shelter, visit Animal Protection Foundation APF.

If you would like to learn more about Luma please visit the link below. Also, as always, please feel free to donate to this organization directly! Tell them Emerald Sun Creations sent you. ;)

Donate to help Luma with Animal Protection Foundation APF

Thank you beautiful people for purchasing from my shop! YAY! We're starting the year off with big hearts, open minds, and good intentions. ♡

See you soon!

Wendy, Owner of Emerald Sun Creations

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