For Susie Q | For Holly & her Pups

For Susie Q | For Holly & her Pups

Hi Lovely People!

Can you believe it's almost the end of 2022?! This year has practically flown by. To top off our last donations of the year, we had quite a lot going on this month! First off, we hosted our very first Holiday Fundraiser this year! We raised money for the wonderful folks at SoiDog Foundation via Instagram Donations. If you're not familiar with SoiDog, give them a follow and check out all the wonderful ways they help rescue animals all around the world. They're good people.

Now for our final ESC donation of the year, 10% of our profits were donated to both a sweet senior girl named Susie Q and a Mama bloodhound named Holly and her pups. To learn more about Susie Q and Mama Holly's stories, check out the links below! ♡

These monetary donations were made to the Paw Patrol Rescue in Houston, TX via To learn more about this shelter visit Paw Patrol Rescue.

Feel free to donate to these wonderful animals directly by checking out the links below. 

Donate to help Susie Q with Paw Patrol Rescue

Donate to help Holly & Her Pups with Paw Patrol Rescue

Thank you to all who purchased from my shop! This year was a bit challenging but amazing nonetheless! Let's enter 2023 with big hearts, open minds, and good intentions. 🥂

P.S. Check out our 2022 Year in Review to see all the other beautiful animals that we helped this year!

Happy New Year, Everyone!


Wendy, Owner of Emerald Sun Creations

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