Emerald Sun Creations | January Donations

Emerald Sun Creations | January Donations

Happy New Year!

We're starting off the new year on a hopeful note! I hope everyone had a great start to the new year. I must say that the holidays wore me out! With back to back sales and shipping orders, things were wonderfully busy here are ESC! Thank you to everyone who purchased from my shop for the holidays! We donated to some beautiful and deserving causes. Check out last month's blog for more information. 

View December Blog 

As for this month, 10% of our January profits were donated to a sweet senior doggy named Annie with the North Texas Australian Shepherd Rescue. Annie's story really touched my heart. After living with her family for 11 years, Annie was brought to a local shelter right before Christmas and asked that she be euthanized. But the kind-hearted staff at North Texas Australian Shepherd Rescue couldn't do it. They knew that Annie had much more life to live. ♡

Our donation went to assisting Annie with her vet bills and a few items from her wishlist to help her feel loved. These donations were made to North Texas Australian Shepherd Rescue via Cuddly.com. To learn more about this shelter visit North Texas Australian Shepherd Rescue.

Learn more about Annie 

Thank you to all who have purchased from my shop! This year was amazing! (aside from the Covid craziness) Let's enter 2022 with big hearts full of good intentions.

P.S. Check out our 2021 Year in Review to see all the beautiful animals and wonderful causes that were helped throughout the year with your support!

Thank you & Happy New Year, Everyone!


Wendy, Owner of Emerald Sun Creations

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